Zipper Storage Bags + John’s Gospel = a Unique Way to Share Your Faith
From Gospel Challenge Member FB: “We had a great trip through Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, Idaho, Yellowstone Park, and Tetons, and then to a condo in Garden City, Utah. While in Garden City, we searched for a church to attend and found that The Village Church, a non-denominational church, a Bear Lake Lighthouse Ministries Church that stands on the authority of the Word of God, and that declares salvation to be by God's grace through faith, was also studying the Book of John throughout this year. In a town that is 97% Mormon, and in the beginning week of their summer tourist season when they often have numerous visitors, we chose to leave about 35 of the 60 books of John that we had with us as gifts the church could give. Others were left with motel tips and notes for the maid who cleaned our room after we left.
We also equipped 10 gallon-sized ZIP-lock bags, each with a book of John, a toothbrush and small tube of toothpaste, a bottle of water, a package of cheese crackers, a small pack of Kleenex, a small bottle of hand sanitizer, a tract entitled, 'Steps to Peace with God,' and a $5.00 bill. These have been given to people who are begging at intersections in our city and as we traveled on our trip.”
A Vacation Harvest
A Gospel Challenge member bought a case of the book of John to hand out on a trip and waited to see where the Lord might open a door to give them out. Here’s his story:
"Not long after we arrived at our destination, we went for a walk and met a man that lived across the street from where we were staying. In the course of the conversation, I was able to share Christ with him. We stopped by the next day and gave him a copy of my book and a copy of the Gospel of John.
"Then, on our way out to go on a train ride, we dropped off a couple of cookies I had brought with me. While we were waiting on the train, a call came through from an unknown number (which I usually wouldn’t answer, but this time I did). It was the man thanking me for the cookies and telling me that he had read both books and that he had signed and dated the page in the back of the Gospel of John (the one saying you’ve accepted Christ)! He was very excited and emotional and said that he was a believer and loved the Lord.

“When we drove by on our last night there, he was outside talking to someone, so we stopped to say goodbye. We were able to speak truth into his friend’s life too and also gave him a copy of the book of John!"
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